Published October 26, 2021

On-Demand Webinar: “Brand Value — Determining Compensation for Co-Branding Affiliation Arrangements”

Academic medical centers and other “large” healthcare organizations are entering into affiliation arrangements with smaller community hospitals and free-standing facilities as part of their outreach initiatives, as well as to better leverage their substantial resources. Many of these affiliation arrangements include “co-branding” provisions, which allow affiliates to benefit from the substantial brand strength of the larger organization. These benefits typically flow from multiple avenues, such as the ability to recruit and retain highly specialized physicians, revenue growth, and reductions in outmigration, to name a few. However, there is a lack of clarity within healthcare organizations regarding the determination of fair market value compensation for co-branding arrangements.

PYA Principals Annapoorani Bhat and Jim Lloyd presented a one-hour webinar in which they covered the following topics as well as examined a case study to illustrate key points:

  • Brand value in healthcare
  • Overview of co-branding affiliation arrangements
  • Framework for brand value assessments
  • Relevant valuation methodologies and processes for evaluating related fair market value compensation

The complimentary webinar took place Tuesday, October 26, 2021.

Resources:  Slides 

If you would like guidance related to co-branding, brand value assessment, or for assistance with any matter related to valuation, compliance, or strategy and integration, contact a PYA executive below at (800) 270-9629.

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